New Work on Karabakh Conflict Resolution Practices.
New Work on Karabakh Conflict Resolution Practices.

A new title “Conflict Resolution Beyond the Realist Paradigm: Transformative Strategies and Inclusive Practices in Nagorno-Karabakh and Syria” by Philip Gamaghelyan will be released by ibidem this September in paperback and e-book formats.

Gamaghelyan has been an active practitioner in the Karabakh Track II diplomacy in both Karabakh and Syria conflicts as director of programs at the Imagine Center for Conflict Transformation. He is also managing editor of Caucasus Edition.

According to the announcement, Gamaghelyan focuses “on participatory action research and collective autoethnography to expose patterns of exclusion and marginalization as well as the paradoxical reproduction of conflict-promoting frames in current conflict-resolution practice[s]. He builds on the work of postmodernist scholars, on reflective practice, and on discourse analysis to explore alternative and inclusive strategies with a transformative potential.”