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USC Institute of Armenian Studies announces the Tufenkian Research Scholarship to support student research in contemporary Armenian Studies. Each student funded by the program will receive a stipend that can be used to advance their research, including covering the cost of travel to access resources not available at their home institution. This could include: fieldwork abroad, interviews, conference participation, visits to archives and special library collections, internships at relevant institutions, implementation of surveys and other data collection.


All applications must be received by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, March 31, 2019.

To Apply

Send the required materials and information to armenian@usc.edu.


The grant will cover up to $3000. Funds are typically paid as a one-time sum.


Full-time enrolled undergraduate students at USC who are pursuing research that relates to the field of Armenian Studies, broadly. Research areas include, but are not limited to: language, cultural studies, economics, sociology, history, regional studies, environmental science, and political science. Comparative and interdisciplinary approaches will be given priority. Applications are especially encouraged from those undertaking research in the field of contemporary Armenian politics or regional studies that include a focus on Armenia. Students must be in good academic standing and be making satisfactory progress toward the completion of their academic program. A selection will be made after an in-person interview.

Application Procedure

Interested applicants should provide:

  • A two-page project description
  • A detailed budget statement
  • A current curriculum vitae or resume
  • One letter of recommendation from a faculty member
  • USC Completed Course Summary, available on OASIS through the myUSC portal
  • Completed Student Information Sheet (available here: USC Tufenkian Research Scholarship)

The project description should include the project’s objective, the research plan and/or methods for achieving this objective (including a schedule or itinerary if applicable), and the overall rationale for the research project.

The budget statement should detail the project’s travel and research costs and should list the sources used to determine those costs. The Tufenkian Research Scholarship funds may not be used toward the purchase of materials.

The letter of recommendation should be from a faculty member familiar with the student’s academic work.